Sunday, March 30, 2014

Deceitful Landlord  and the lies to rent to UN expecting tenants, With rental looking great from outside and just by view you would never know the unsafe  lurking in the walls and the true person behind the facade. How can a landlord even rent to a tenant knowing it is not up to par or code or even a permit,,,,,, To make a tenant go without proper heating lack of what is stated in lease,, removing anmeneties tenant defends her right gets order against landlord nxt day she files for eviction, Well court day comes and goes official desicion made  eviction and application dismissed to only have the city be involved and deem dwelling unfit and unsafe for renters, Tenant must now move and at who's cost landlord wont pay denies liability of reason why tenant must move but in all reality its the landlord who deceived city tenants. With orders in place she disregards the decision of judge and reasoning of why tenant must move out even after courts made decision, She black list tenant as renter to all landlords to assume tenant is at fault and not a good tenant, With only being moved in in DEC tenant is to up and move again ant who's cost,,, Landlord states tenants cost for heating was fine and everything  is fine with apt ... So  judge is wrong tenant wrong city inspection wrong everyone is a liar but the one person who built basement apt without permit or inspection.  Now how can this tenant get help from our community please email blog if you wish to help somehow,,,  Please what do you think as a Landlord or a Tenant.

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